Am I locked into a contract?

No. There is a 6-month minimum commitment; after that, you can cancel any time.

How do I pay?

WorkSimple users pay monthly by Direct Debit.
Any additional charges—for SMS messages or Telephone Support—are automatically added to the Direct Debit the next month.

Will I get support?

We're here to support your business in every way we can.
We want to understand how your business works and setup the WorkSimple platform for your needs.
That includes importing data you already have, and adjusting the configuration in the future as your business changes. We also offer telephone support for your whole team (extra charges apply though).

How long does it take to setup?

It varies from business to business, but usually only a few weeks.
We advocate a progressive, iterative approach to implementing WorkSimple in your company, but once we have everything we need, the first phase will be ready very quickly.

Once we're up and running, how long do changes take?

Almost no time at all.
Often we can implement the changes while you're on the phone. At most, we aim to have them in place within a day or two.

How often can I change the setup?

As often as you like.
WorkSimple is designed to support an iterative, rapid-prototyping approach. We'll continually make changes to improve your setup, and adapt as your business evolves.

Will my data be safe?

WorkSimple uses state-of-the-art encryption to protect all our customers' data, and each instance runs in its own firewalled silo, so you can rest assured your information is as secure as it can be.

What if I need more storage?

We've designed our packages to accommodate everything you should need, including ample storage.
But if you do ever need more, its only £50/month per TB.

Will WorkSimple connect to my accounting system?

WorkSimple has out-the-box integrations with all major cloud-based accounting software (including Xero, FreeAgent, Kashflow & Quickbooks).

What's "Data Audit Logging"?

A log of all activity in WorkSimple.
Whenever information is viewed, created, amended or deleted, WorkSimple adds a record to the Data Audit Log. Along with details of who, and when the activity was performed. This log can be used to restore lost information, provide accountability for GDPR-compliance and forms part of the Business Intelligence and Reporting functions.

What's "Business Process Mapping"?

The methology we use to understand your business.
To configure WorkSimple and support you in the way we want to, we must first understand your business.
We start by visually mapping out your business processes, so we have a record of how you operate. These diagrams form the basis of our methodology going forward.

What's the "Business Performance Dashboard"?

An instant, real-time overview of how your business is performing.
The WorkSimple dashboard is not only tailored to your business but also each user - providing them with the most relevant information for their role.

What's "Unlimited Reporting & Business Intelligence"?

In-depth analysis of your business data.
As part of our service, we'll configure as many reports as you need, so you can view the data in WorkSimple in a format that makes sense to you and your team.

Can I have a Free Trial?

Unfortunately not.
WorkSimple requires extensive configuration for each business before it's ready for use. But we're more than happy to give you a demonstration.